Remembering things is overrated

New this week:
Technology. Well, you finally did it. Because my FM transmitter was being such a piece of shit and was actually ignoring the laws of gravity, thus falling over any time my car made a slight move to the right, I was forced to purchase a new one. Apparently bastards hadn't had the foresight to realize that manual transmissions may cause problems for stupid FM transmitters. So thanks for that technology. You continue to rape money out of my pockets. Don't even think about what that actually means, because I do not know either.
Jacque Jones. Guess who's back on the list. Your inability to perform on offense for the Cubs is horrendous. Plus, you have now been supplanted by Angel fucking Pagan. The walking contradiction. Pagan was hitting .250 in AAA, and he's hitting well above you now. So, don't let the door hit you on the way out. Also, walk out the door quickly please. You're holding up the line.
Work. Whoever came up with the idea of work on a Friday? It's complete bullshit. I tend to think of work as more of an option and not a requirement on Friday's though. Sure, I could do work. But what about free will man? I don't need your rules.
USPS. Hey, did you know the price of postage went up? Do you know why it did? Because the government likes fucking people. Do you know how much it costs to mail your typical letter? 3 cents. Where's the other 36, i mean 38 cents going? And why does it have to be an odd number? It's 40 too difficult? Fuck you post office. I just finished off my fucking 37 cent stamps, and now postage will go up right around the time I buy 41 cent stamps. I would like to tell this little anecdote. Last year, when postage went up, I fought the system by continuing to mail things with 37 cent stamps. I know, I'm a rebel. Well, the post office was my bitch, because they delivered that shit for a month. Suckers. Also, I'm glad there was a memo sent out about postage. I wouldn't have noticed if I wasn't told about it on Sunday night or saw it on If something was included in my mail about it, maybe they should have tried to not send it with the rest of the junkmail bullshit I get. Man, fuck the post office.
TV Networks. This week networks revealed new shows and shit for the fall. Or something, I don't know. My problem is with how retarded these networks are, specifically Fox. Fox has this grand idea that every piece of shit they touch is gold. And retards who watch Fox only solidify that fact. Fox has good shows, like Simpsons and Family Guy, and a shit-ton of people watch American Idol. So, Fox thinks they're untouchable, and they're pretty incapable of losing money. Oh, also they have that are you a redneck show with Jeff Foxworthy that people love for some reason. Anyways, because of this, and their inability to promote shows that are actually good, Fox has a lineup that is consistenly packed with shit that fails. The only shows Fox CAN promote are shitty shows. Case in point: 'Til Death. Somehow that shitcom got picked up for a second season, even though it's not funny and no one watches it. Yet, Arrested Development couldn't even squeeze out 3 full seasons. If you want to be successful at Fox, you either have to be mind-numbingly retarded or have a solid enough premise that can be picked up at any point by retards. Fuck TV networks, but specifically, fuck Fox.
Employers. Hi, I still need a job. Why are you not offering me one? Why are you an asshole? You can take your job and shove it, you're an asshole. But seriously, I'll take it.
Peoria. I said this week was better. You know how bored I was this weekend? I took like 4 naps and I worked out. On a weekend. I don't do that. I cannot come up with one benefit to living in Peoria. Wait, it's not Decatur. That's as positive as I can get.
Off this week:
Money. I will never have enough money. However, it varies from week to week how much of a problem that is. This week, maybe not so much. Next week, probably.
Karma. See above. Karma is still a bitch, but I made it my bitch. I don't want to get into the specifics of how this occurred though.
Best Buy. You are still a bitch, and I hate your policies. However, I cannot stay mad when you have so many reasonably priced HDTV's. Also, I have developed a plan for getting a new TV, which Best Buy is involved with, so in the interest of the partnership, I have chosen to remove Best Buy, at least temporarily.
Labels: I hate many things which make up this list and also other things not on this list, On Notice, You don't want to be on this list