I have so much hate to give. So much.
Anyways, with that being said, I would like to point out that I am always looking for new things to hate. Like, Li'l Bush. Hey, Comedy Central, why would you think allowing this show on the air would be a good idea? Remember your last failed George W. Bush show? No? You don't? That's a shame. Because it was horrible. I actually just puked a little thinking of how bad it was. But, yeah, maybe it will work the second time around, in animated form. That's going to work out great.
And now I've been forced to hate penguins as well. I mean, March of the Penguins was original or something. I get it. You know what isn't original? Like 8000 animated movies about penguins. I wonder what the next "It" animal will be? Giraffe's? Sandra Oh's? Camels? Oh, how about kangaroos? Maybe some sort of movie involving a rapping kangaroo would be fantastic. Get on that Hollywood.
So, now that I've gone off the topic I originally was missing anyways, let's just get to the list this week. Oh, also, it's great to be back. Venting my rage. To the list!

New this week:
America. Way to fucking go America, you're back on the list. And you know why? You chose to watch Tyler Perry's House of Payne. Why the fuck would you do something like that? Since when has Tyler Perry ever been the premier expert on anything funny? Oh, he dressed up like a fat old woman, that's, uh, original. But now this shitcom is making TBS a shitload of money, and I guarantee you it's so bad. I, of course, do not know, because I'm not a retard who would tune in to watch it. I made the mistake of watching about 5 minutes of an episode of My Boys when that was on. I then took out one of my kidneys as punishment. Without anesthesia, obviously. But, uh, anyways. House of Payne? "How about we make some sort of shitty family comedy with too many characters, weak plot lines, and an unoriginal background and slap Tyler Perry's name on it! People will love it! And the name can be suggestive! Suggestive!!" Fuck you TBS. And, come on America, I expect more out of you. The show was something like the highest rated sitcom on cable ever. This is only going to encourage both TBS and Tyler Perry, so for that America, you suck.
Bad Cubs. I was going to single out players, but I decided I could just lump them all into one category, and then call out the particular ones. First up: Jacque Jones. Dude, there's no room for you. Well, even if there was room, you wouldn't be playing, because you're about the 4th best option (currently, even with Murton in AAA) in the outfield as is. Actually, I would rather have Fontenot or Theriot out there in place of you as well. And you're complaining about playing time. Here's a hint: It would be easy to play you if you could hit and/or field well. Maybe if you knew how to hit a left-hander, or if you could hit with 2 strikes, you would play. But since you're insistent on not doing things well, it's no one's fault but your own. As for Cesar Izturis, you need to leave town. We do not want you. We certainly don't want you in the lineup. Fontenot/Theriot is a much better combination than anything you provide. I can appreciate your recent timely hitting, but still, you suck. If you could just get some sort of season ending injury so we could waive you, it would be greatly appreciated. So work on that, or I'll have to. And I don't think you want that.
Work. I hate work so much. I had the question posed to me this week, if I was doing this same exact job, but I was in Chicago, would I still hate it? I'm still not sure how to answer that question. I've done hours of soul-searching, I mean I would have if I had a soul, and I think I would have slightly more patience with this job, but I would still probably hate it. So I would probably still be looking for a new job regardless.
Heat. Speaking of this job, it's just so awesome. The a/c in our lab "works" really well. It's really great to come into work, and the temperature is set at 72, and when you leave at the end of the day, it's anywhere between 78-80. And that's actually good, because last year it would routinely get up above 88. So, that's bullshit. In addition, why does it have to be so fucking hot outside? I don't really enjoy working up a sweat by sitting in place. In fact, I despise it. Hey nature, go back to 75. Bitch.
Bachelor Parties. Man, I hate bachelor parties. Or, one in particular. Because things like gambling, and alcohol, and scantily clad women just don't mix at all. AT ALL.
Employers. Fuck you guys.
Peoria. You're really sucking the life out of me now Peoria. The heat, the isolation, the nothing to do. Hey, Cubs game tonight, want tickets? Oh, right, you live in Peoria. Damn. That sucks. You know what the best thing about living in Peoria is? I don't either.
Penny Dreadful. You better not be thinking I'll get over this, because I will not.
And what fell off:
Technology. My DVR is being a piece of shit, but I guess other than that, nothing ELSE has broken down on me recently, so I've got that going for me.
USPS. I found out this great new way to fuck over the USPS. It's called online bill pay. And, apparently, you can send money through a series of tubes to pay your bills, so you don't need to mail them. I have so many stamps left over that I've actually used them as currency to buy other collectible stamps.
TV Networks. I really can't justify taking any of these off of the last list. I think I'm just going to have to make a Dead To Me list also.
So that's all I've got. But there's oh so much more hate to give.
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