If Satan had a channel on basic cable, it would be MTV
Anyways, Pete Wentz is overexposed, and that definitely has a double meaning if you know anything about the band. But whatever, they won, and then a little later Al Gore was introduced. First, he was introduced by Queen Latifah. Does anyone remember that she used to rap? Well, she opened with a frightening statistic. The world population is growing!! How terrible! So she tells us that we need to do our part. And by that I'm assuming she means we need to undergo an ethnic cleansing. First up are the Samoans (note: I'm kidding. we all know that the eskimos are the first to go). With that she brings out Al Gore. He goes into this lecture about global warming showing pictures and whatnot. And this pretty much makes me sick to my stomach.
Ok Al. Can I call you Al? How about Thumper? Great. Ok Thumper, I get it, you made a movie about global warming and now you're trying to recognize that our generation is in a position to possibly slow global warming and whatnot. But is MTV's VMA's really the best place for you to go about this? And while I know it's probably not your fault, I'm hoping the company that produced your movie made you do this, couldn't they at least lobby for something other than following the drunk/possibly coked up Jackass guys?
MTV needs to decide, are they self-righteous environmental pricks who are telling you daily that you can do your part to improve our world? Or are they just doing it so they look like they're semi-responsible after airing 23.5 hours of Laguna Beach and SuperSweet Sixteen episodes where people are so wasteful and have no idea what it's like to live on less than $250,000 a year? I absolutely hate pretty much everything that MTV stands for, whatever that may be. I'm just glad that they can have a clear conscious about showing celebrity homes and their 4 cars each worth $200,000, and then they judge me for running the water while I brush my teeth.
Which is why Meerkat Manor has replaced the hole left in my life where Laguna Beach once used to be.