Tuesday, October 03, 2006

My liver hates me

So this past weekend was a pretty tame one by most standards I guess. Well, in relation to the past few at least. We'll see how much of it I can remember though.

Friday night, got to Chicago at 7. Made great time, picked up Tbone from the train station and got to Ltrain's. Discovered I'd need to shower and get ready to go out, as we were going to dinner then straight to the Cubby Bear after dinner. So I think had 2 beers and a little vodka before leaving, 2 beers at dinner, and, for the second time in a week, having the best fried chicken sandwich with fries and ketchup of my life. Sidenote: I'm starving right now, still at work, and I can't leave for about another hour, so maybe writing about food isn't a great idea.

So we get to the Cubby Bear and this shitty band starts playing. I mean, they may have been ok in their own right, but I wasn't there to see them. I was there to see Who's Bad. So I think Who's Bad started playing around 11:15 or so. Not sure. Let's just sidetrack onto the Cubby Bear for a second. I get there, ask for a Bud Light. "We don't serve that here." Ok, what are your specials? "We don't have any." So this is why no one goes to the Cubby Bear, got it (Cubs lost earlier in the day, surprise). So I got a Captain and coke, which sucked, so I went back to Miller Lite, which was all I'd had all day. Well, luckily I managed to chug fairly well, and I was definitely very drunk by the end of the night. Also, I spent a lot of money on beer, as I found out the next day, so it must have been good. The walk home included a stop off at El Burrito, which was absolutely delicious and sans cheese, just the way I love it. At one point Latoya started dancing around, and I was pissed no one could find her camera. Also, apparently I smelled "good. Like a man."

Woke up late on Saturday, like 10:30 or something. I was surprised. Miller Lite kicked my ass a little bit. Also, we got back at like 2 Friday night, and I was slightly offended it was so early. But I digress. Ltrain, Tbone and I went and found a breakfast place and when we got back at some point the Illinois game was turned on. By me. We watched the game, and I opened a beer at 12:45. We decided we'd get drunk and to see Jackbutt 2 (someone actually changed the name to that in some podunk town or something. It was really Jackass 2). And I'll never look at a diorama the same way.

We left the movie and were downtown, so we were trying to decide how to get to Bucktown. I thought cab, but Stubs was insistent on the El. Well, We walked looking for the Blue Line stop for awhile, until it started pouring. Then we all decided cab was the way to go. Of course, we were in a shitty place for cabs, since they were all coming from Navy Pier, full of idiots who go there and take my cabs. We eventually got to Ltrain and Stubs' friends' place and they had free beer. Leinenkugel Honey Wheat. It's pretty good beer, but it's definitely not for chugging. The night there was pretty uneventful, we just stayed and drank free beer. Then came time for the obligatory trip to El Burrito.

I remember very little about the walk home, except Tai was sprinting like 20 feet ahead of us, complaining about us not walking fast enough. That was a lie though, she just wanted us to sprint. Also, I think I might have ran. I'm an idiot. I need to not run anywhere when I'm drunk in a city, unless someone is running beside me. Or never works better. Anyways, we got back, ate, and put in The Hills Have Eyes, or as I like to call, a terrible movie that's not scary and puts drunk people to sleep when they would rather stay up and watch a good movie, but the movie that they put in is not good, it is shit. I know that's a long title, but I believe that truth in advertising is necessary and that movie blew ass. I passed out roughly 30 minutes to halfway through it, and didn't see the end, nor did I care to.

Woke up Sunday, not feeling too bad. Of course, no one else was up, so I was trying to be quiet. Toy's computer wouldn't work, couldn't turn the TV or I'd wake up Poops (I love how throughout this whole thing I'm only talking about two other people, and yet I have about 8 different names for both). So I read a little, including a fascinating article about Rachel Bilson that was had through text messages or something stupid like that. Then I just turned on the TV so I could watch TV. Later I saw in Maxim that if you consume 22 drinks or more during a week, your chance for cancer goes up to some number and the chance for cirrhosis goes up like 18%. Might as well put me on the liver transplant list now. I ended up leaving around 4, and managed to make it home in time to watch the Bears game in its entirety.

So while it wasn't up to par with the usual weekend of forgetting everything past 12, it was still pretty good. And hopefully under 3 months till I'm living in Chicago.


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