Wednesday, January 17, 2007

What is wrong with TV today (a statement, not a question)

Behold at your own risk.

I did a search on Youtube for 'funniest Ugly Betty clip' and it obviously returned no hits. This video is the best of the first five episodes of the season. I tried to watch this shite but I could barely get 1/3 of the way through it before violently vomiting all over my computer screen and stabbing out my eyes. But apparently this is what the 'writers' feel is the best show on television today. Which somehow beats out The Office? That is absolutely ridiculous. But, regardless of whether or not it's better than The Office, which it obviously is not, tell me how it's funnier than this:

That's right, you can't tell me how it's funnier. You know why? BECAUSE IT'S NOT. Come on!

There's no way that shitty show Ugly Betty is funnier than most of the shit on TV. But, regardless, it won a Golden Globe (the Hollywood Foreign Press is made up of meth addicts and crack babies) as the best comedy something or other. And, somehow, it's one of the top rated shows on television. (I'll point out that not only do I not watch the show, the only reason I don't protest against it is because Salma Hayek is occasionally on it. That and the crippling laziness.)

I seem to remember the actual funniest show on TV also winning an assload of awards. For some reason though, it was marketed about as well as my ass. Actually slightly worse, as my ass hasn't won nearly as many awards but has not been cancelled yet. Let my good friend David Cross help me explain my point:

And THIS is what is wrong with TV today. Somehow Ugly Betty, while winning the Golden Globe, regardless of whether or not I agree with it, which I don't, is promoted incredibly well on ABC's estrogen programming network. Which basically includes everything except Lost.

But an amazing show like Arrested Development, which won every kind of award and was praised by absolutely every single person in American with an IQ of over 50, got promoted like shit. And what was FOX wasting their time promoting instead of AD? A complete pile of shit. And that's just one season. I could go into more detail about the massive fuck-ups that have been cancelled during the run of Arrested Development and since Arrested Development, but I won't. Because I'm lazy.

FOX completely fucked over everyone who appreciates intelligent, edgy, groundbreaking comedy in favor of the shitfest 'Til Death and other similar shows. By failing to promote or market the best show on TV (for all three seasons) and then cutting two of the seasons short, they basically admitted that they didn't know what to do with a show that was actually good.

But luckily for all of us they've been able to keep pieces of shit like The War at Home on the air. So out of protest I refuse to watch anything on Fox unless I have some reason to think I will like the show. And, 9 times out of 10 that never happens. So, good work original Fox programming. I hope everything you've had that's successful goes to a channel that isn't completely inept at marketing. (And just to point out how bad Fox is at it, even CBS keeps their show on the air!) I also hope aliens come down and eat all of your children.

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