Tuesday, January 16, 2007

I occasionally with* I wasn't such an idiot

This weekend started out inauspiciously enough, beginning with the cancellation of the Who's Bad show that was supposed to be Friday night, and I was basically fully prepared to be disappointed around every corner. Didn't quite happen though, which was quite a relief. But anyways, let's kick it off (hooray for the football reference).

First, on Friday afternoon, I actually found out that Monday was not a paid holiday. Fuck that. How dare the man tread on my black heritage? And how dare he say I have none? Just because I don't? Anyways, I was told that if I was planning on taking the three day weekend I might as well do it. Well, I left this up in the air and headed to take the train. The train was scheduled to leave at 5:54, and I got to the station at about 5:40, actually a little before. I walk inside and see the station is PACKED (note, this is a tiny train station), there is a long line and there's only one dude working the counter. 20 minutes later I get to the front of the line, get my ticket, rush outside to put a parking pass in my car, and the train still isn't there. It was 20 minutes late, so I still had about 10 minutes to wait after all that. Manage to find a seat on the train and I purchased 4 beers during the trip. Well, also during the trip, the signals went out on the track we were on. So, luckily, we got to enjoy the darkness of the midwest as the train went 20 mph stopping every 2-3 miles (which is standard when signals go out) for the better part of 45 minutes. About 10 miles outside of Joliet the signals came back on. So right now I'm about 50 minutes behind schedule I'm thinking. Well, about 20 minutes later they announce we're about 25 minutes from Chicago. All in all I only ended up about 45 minutes late, as opposed to, say, an hour and 20 minute (or more) which was what I feared. So anyways, get to Chicago, go have some beer (didn't have dinner) and then we go out. I don't remember too much of note about the night, aside from finally getting revenge on Bootz for pinning me into a corner for 10 minutes. I actually did it to her only for about a minute or two. But trust me, it was all hilarious. After we left the bar we went to Pizzaria and I ate more pizza than I knew was possible. Ok, that's not true, but I had a lot and it was f'ing awesome.

I woke up at like 8:30 Saturday and couldn't get back to sleep. I found out Meg was coming at like 2, so I was about ready to get lunch. Then she called and said she was there at 1:40. No problem, we went to lunch and then decided to go watch football at a bar somewhere. More expensive, but great nonetheless. We decided on Barleycorn. So we went there and were actually there before the bartender showed up (by like 5 minutes). So we're drinking at the bar and decide to move to one of the sweet booths they have. These booths are made for like 8 people, and it was just the two of us. It was awesome. Anyways, we watched the game, which sucked, and bet on it (a shot), and we spent at least two separate spans of 15 minutes not caring about the game and instead talking about Arrested Development. I had like 5 16 oz. beers at the bar, and after the game was over we left to go to Pizzaria to pick up dinner. I was drunk, so I was ready for it. We talked to the dude who sold us the pizza and he said he'd be there later and he'd hook us up if we came back that night. So of course we would be headed back. We went back, ate, then headed to watch Arrested Development instead of football. That's how disappointed we were in the early game. And we obviously missed a good game. But, that aside, we headed out to Grand Central (there were only three of us) around 10:30 (so that's nearly 8 hours of drinking already). After just standing around for a while we started dancing, and I went to the bathroom. I came back directly where we were before and no one was there. So I stand around for like 10-15 minutes, by myself, thinking maybe they went to the bathroom or something. Finally I get a call and it's Meg saying they're at the front of the bar, but they went up there so they could hear me when they called me. Well, either they were too drunk to realized they moved (perhaps) or I was not in fact where we were (doubtful). Regardless, we headed back to dance until we saw this super tall lesbian. She appeared to be a lesbian anyways. Well, we dared Meg to get a picture of her or something, and she did. But she actual told this tall chick that she was on a scavenger hunt and needed a picture with a woman over 6 feet tall. This chick was taller than me by probably at least two inches. I was terrified. Well, eventually we left and went back to Pizzaria, ONLY TO NOT GET THE HOOKUP. That bastard lied to us. We stumbled our way home, ate pizza and passed out, but I have no idea when.

We woke up at like 10 or so on Sunday I think. The entire group (minus Chips) got together to watch the Bears game, and Meg left. I was chastised by Bootz for not drinking beer at 12:15 on a Sunday. I think I started at like 1. I had 5 beers throughout the game, which was awesome. Aside from feeling like I was in a sauna for about 30 minutes, the whole experience was awesome. Anyways, we left at like 4:20. My train back left at 5:15, so I needed to get to the train station. Well, Poops gave me a ride, and she thought she was going the quickest way to the station since she was headed south on Ashland, but she forgot about the stop lights. Then she thought she forgot where the entrance to 90/94 was. At this point I was getting pretty nervous. Finally we find 90/94 at about 4:59. We only had to go about 3 or 4 miles to the exit for Jackson, but unfortunately she didn't see the sign for it. She took the exit after, which probably worked out just as well, and I got to the station at like 5:06. I got on the train at like 5:08. When the dude came by to collect my ticket, he asked what I was doing there. I was like, oh, haha, good one. He's like, 'you're going to Bloomington, I wouldn't have told anybody to get on this train going to Bloomington, everyone here's going to St. Louis. You'll have to get off all the way at the front of the train.' I was like, did I just get lectured by this dude? It was all a moot point because in Bloomington they let off in 2 cars. Besides, the train was packed, so maybe I wandered all the way back there looking for a seat. Anyways, I get off the train, start driving home, FUCK. I left the book I was reading (that wasn't even mine) on the train. So the weekend ended about as well as it began, but there was good stuff in between.

Oh, and in case it wasn't clear, I didn't come into work yesterday.

*I didn't intend for this typo, but it works, and proves how much of an idiot I am.

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