It's the weekends Bitches; you know what that means
Free lunch is the shit.
That being said, it's time to see who's on notice this week:

Changes to the list this week:
David Beckham. Screw you. If I could make $50 million in one year, there is no way I'd want to turn it down. And come on, Europe? I mean, yeah, it's awesome to have a house over there and whatnot, but everybody knows America's where it's at. So first, you're on notice for not being here sooner. And then you're on notice for making so much money. I wish I got paid that much to LEAVE the U.S. Of course I'd do it. And then they'd obviously pay to bring me back as well. In addition, fuck you for being so damn attractive. Does that make me gay? If being in love with a man and wanting him to hold me while I look into his gorgeous eyes, then go a head Mr./Ms. Judgmental and call me gay. Posh Spice is f'ing hot too. Why does he rub his perfect life (minus the World Cup failures) in my face. Yeah, HA! I've never failed in the World Cup. Now whose life is better? (Still his) You're on notice Beckham!
Winter. I was totally planning on going to Chicago this weekend, for the three day weekend. First I found out that the weather might be bad, so I decided to take the train. Now I'm worried that the weather may be so bad that the train schedules could be fucked up (or dare I say cancelled again). So fuck you winter. You should be above 32 at all times, and if you aren't, you definitely shouldn't be spitting shit from the sky. You're on notice.
Bruce Weber Haters. Uh, thanks to Deadspin, I more than doubled the amount of visitors to this site in the previous, oh, 4 months or so, in ONE DAY. So I feel like this week's list should include some sort of reference to that post. And that's fucking awesome. But, aside from that, I really am sick of all the naysayers that are naysaying Bruce Weber. Obviously. So you're all on notice.
Poodle Lady. While I don't really have any reason to put her on here because she's not necessarily doing any sort of harm to anything I believe in, I feel like she absolutely deserves to be on notice. I mean, come on. No normal person does that. And I will be diligent in my suspicion of her, so Crazy Psycho Lady Who Loves Poodle Exercise, you're on notice!Finally, one note. Fuck you Penny Dreadful. You will be on this list possibly for eternity because you sucked so incredibly badly. Deal with it.
Labels: Colbert is awesome, I hate many things which make up this list and also other things not on this list, On Notice, You don't want to be on this list
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