You're on notice bitches (if you're on this list)
I used to be really busy. Seriously. I had no time whatsoever to do a lot of the things I used to enjoy, like watching TV. I wouldn't know what I was doing any given weekend until Thursday or possibly even Friday. That pretty much changed when I became single living in Peoria. I had all kinds of free time. Especially over the summer, my life began revolving around TV. It happened gradually, so I didn't really notice it. It started with Thursday nights too. Watching It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia was the most important thing of the the week. More important than work.
Well, anyways, as I was sitting on Monday night, working on my recap for a show that's on on Sunday nights, I was realizing: I don't have as much free time any more. It's amazing how one or two responsibilities took so much of my time away.
So from here on out, I'm shirking all responsibilities. My baby mamas are not going to like that.
Speaking of not liking that, let's find out who's on notice this week:

Well, anyways, as I was sitting on Monday night, working on my recap for a show that's on on Sunday nights, I was realizing: I don't have as much free time any more. It's amazing how one or two responsibilities took so much of my time away.
So from here on out, I'm shirking all responsibilities. My baby mamas are not going to like that.
Speaking of not liking that, let's find out who's on notice this week:

Additions to the list this week:
Yahoo Mail. For some reason Yahoo, excuse me, Yahoo! Mail has been acting completely stupid since Wednesday. Since I do most of my work through Yahoo Mail, you can imagine how difficult it makes my job. Ok, so maybe I don't use it for work email, but I am on it a lot throughout the day, and it basically makes web navigation impossible. 'Why, I have new mail? Why let's check out the inbox and see who it's from. Uh, come on you slow piece of shit. Ok, cancel that. Let me go to another page. Oh, that's not gonna work either? Outstanding.' Fuck you Yahoo Mail. Get that shit worked out. Until then, you're on notice!
Kelvin Sampson. No, this isn't an addition. But we beat his brains out. While that's also not entirely accurate, he did lose, and the Orange Krush got a bunch of quality chants in. Fuck you Sampson. Go back to your underachieving Oklahoma program and your NCAA recruiting sanctions.
Firewalls! So I was doing my normal web-surfing during some downtime on Wednesday morning (I think) and I made my way to TVGasm. Then I went back, closer to 11 or so, and sure enough, it's now blocked. This is great, because now that I, you know, write something for the site I can't even get to it while I'm at work. Not only that, I can't go to a number of other sites. For a while, it was impossible to check Myspace profiles, but I could go to my homepage. That has since been unblocked. I can't to go With Leather any more either. WHICH IS A SPORTS BLOG. So, thanks to people using clever domain names, I get screwed out of going to them because the company I work for is run by a bunch of Ebays, Intertube hating jackasses. So firewalls, Fuck. You. You're on notice.
Indianapolis Colts. So now you're taking on the Bears in the Super Bowl. Apparently your quarterback isn't the choke artist that he's been in the past, which is good for him. Also, you're 7-point favorites, which I'm totally cool with. You're more than welcome to be the favorite because the Bears do much better when they're not expected to win. Just as the Saints. You think you're going to be able to play that well when you're not in the RCA Dome and your fans aren't going to be able to control the noise level? Fat. Chance. Also, I don't care what you think, but our coach was the first African-American coach in the Super Bowl. Who cares if Tony Dungy is a copycat?
Off the list:
Money. I still don't have enough of it, but Yahoo Mail was making me way more angry this week.
Winter. It was only supposed to be like 29 here today and it was 44 when I came back from lunch. So you get a temporary reprieve winter. I'm still keeping an eye on you though.
Bill O'Reilly. Apparently he had a body language expert on his show to discuss his appearance on the Colbert Report. I guess I don't really have a joke or anything for this. But anybody who buys into body language experts is not worthy of being on notice. They're too simple.
Labels: I hate many things which make up this list and also other things not on this list, You don't want to be on this list
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