Giddy like a school girl

Of note this week:
Technology. My AIM is still being pretty dumb. And now my iTunes is being stupid as well. Since I downloaded the update for iTunes, it won't ever minimize. Why not? Because it's stupid, that's why. So, technology, seriously, work this shit out. At this rate we don't have to worry about robots taking over the world for years because programmers can't figure out the "Minimize" command.
Work. Hey, work. Fuck you. I can't go see 300 until you're fucking over, so hurry the fuck up. Seriously.
Firewalls. I still can't go to TVgasm, which is complete bullshit. I could kill two birds with one stone if I could, because then I could edit my recaps and shit while at work with some downtime. But noooo. Fuck firewalls. And do they even know what TVgasm is? Bastards.
America. Seriously America. What is your fucking problem? Remember when I took you off the list last week because I didn't think any more people would go see the steaming piles of shit that you released to movie theaters last weekend (aside from, perhaps, Zodiac, which I would at least watch)? But you went and did it. You made Wild Hogs or whatever that movie was #1 in America. And I died inside. Seriously. I'm dying a little each week. Good thing I've got 300 to almost undoubtedly kick the shit out of the other movies.
Taxes. Guess what. I'm still not gonna pay you fuckers. State taxes are for bitches. I'm no bitch.
My friends. Now, you might be thinking to myself, why are my friends on notice? Well let me break it down for you. This past weekend, Streets and Bootz came down to see me. I welcomed them into my home on Saturday. While I was taking a shower, I heard rustling around in my room. I was thinking, hmm, they're probably going through my stuff. This can't be good. So I get out of the shower, and I see them with my clothes on. But, not just my clothes, but, like, layers of my clothes. They chose that opportunity to tread all over me. And they damn near made me lose my sexy. And they LIED about what they were going to do. But it's not just those two who are on notice. There are pictures, and everyone thinks they're HILARIOUS. But guess what. They're not. So, now I've got to return the favor to them. Which will be both creative and horrifying. And I'm excited about it. But, probably until then my friends will be on notice.
Anti-Chief people. You know what? I'm glad the whole thing has been resolved because now I don't have to listen to your un-informed babbling bullshit. Assholes.
Off this week:
Weater. You know what? It's changing, and it's not making me sick. And it's fucking 56 here today. 56 glorious degrees.
"Lost." Now that South Park is back on (and I'll be watching Real World) I don't have to watch this show and wonder at how nothing ever happens. The worst thing about it is that it has set the tone for shows like Heroes and shit. Just keep introducing new twists and turns, never resolving anything, never explaining anything. But, if you do explain something, make sure it's really bizarre. And hey, add new characters whenever. Whatever, I don't have to watch it.
I'll probably be back on Monday with a recap of 300, and probably some Illinois talk, and probably a lot on the brackets and whatnot. Oh God is this a fucking awesome time of the year.
Labels: I don't care what you think, I hate many things which make up this list and also other things not on this list, On Notice, You don't want to be on this list
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