So much to rant about
Like two weeks ago I was reading this AP article about people taking naps at work. Apparently, there was a study done with people who takes naps at work versus those who don't, and those who take naps were at a reduced risk of heart conditions.
Well, since returning from New Orleans, I've been extremely tired and just about every day at work I've been struggling to stay awake. But I can't take a nap. So I'm wondering: should I develop a heart condition, can I sue my employer because they're not allowing me to take a nap? Or should I just go ahead and take a nap, and then if they wake me, tell them what's up. I really think there's only one way to find out.
That's as good as I can do for an intro this week. Let's see who made the list:

New this week:
TECHNOLOGY. I was just working on this fucking thing for like half an hour, and I was almost done with it. I minimized the window so I could look back at what I had on the list last week and zap. Entire thing gone. Not saved at all. So, I don't know who's to blame for this? Is it my work computer for being a dumb outdated piece of shit? Is it Blogger for being a piece of shit? Is it Internet Explorer's fault for being a dumb bitch and outdated browser? I tend to think it's a little bit of all three. So, whoever's to blame for this shit, you're on notice!
Money. This week I found out that when my car goes in for "inspection" that it's going to cost out the ass. That sounds as painful as it is. I knew it wasn't going to be pleasant, but we're talking at least twice what I was expecting to pay. Guh. And I don't know if that takes into account any parts/labor that may be required. So, money, you're on notice because I don't have enough of you. Ever.
Weather. On Saturday when we left Chicago it was cold and snowing. When we got to New Orleans it was 62, but it there was a strong, cold wind blowing. Well, on Sunday it was only like 52, and the cold strong wind stuck around. Then on Monday we get back to Chicago and it's fucking 46 degrees and feels warmer than New Orleans. All of this changing climates is bullshit. It's going to make someone sick. Seriously weather, make up your mind. And you better fucking choose pleasantly warm. Or else...
America. America, you are one crazy bitch. Did anyone ever see any previews for Norbit? How could you not, it was a fucking sponsor of the Super Bowl. Well, I remember saying that if enough Americans were dumb enough to pay to see the movie that it would be the number one movie in its opening weekend, I would need to destroy America. Well, unfortunately, it happened. Seriously, how can this be allowed to happen?! Well, did anyone see previews for Ghost Rider? The first time I saw those previews, I said the exact same thing. Well, not the first time, but one of the first 8 times. So you can imagine my surprise when I came back home this weekend and saw that nearly 45 million people(!) paid to see that piece of predictable shit. So now I have to destroy America. Seriously, how to so many jackasses have enough money to pay to see these movies? And you're only making it worse by going to see them. I heard they just greenlighted Norbit 2: Eddie Murphy Dresses Like a Fat Woman Again and Norbit 3: Eddie Murphy Dresses Like 2 Fat Women, A Fat Man, and A Normal-Sized Woman. I also heard they're making Ghost Rider 2: The Exact Same Movie As the First with Slightly Different Characters. People who go see these movies should automatically not be allowed to vote. So, America, you're on notice, and unfortunately, I will have to destroy you.
Being sick. Hey, weather, remember when I said you'd make people sick? You fucking did it. You bitch. I feel like my sinuses are getting prepared for a flood, and that's not a pleasant thing. Luckily I'll try to drink all this shit away this weekend. But, you know, being sick is interrupting my plans of, you know, BREATHING REGULARLY.
"Popular" TV. I'm talking about Heroes, Studio 60, Lost and Grey's Anatomy. I don't like any of these shows, and on the first three NOTHING EVER HAPPENS. Also, Studio 60 is not funny in any way. It sounded like an interesting premise, but obviously there's not enough interesting shit happening behind the scenes of whatever that unfunny live show is. As far as Lost and Heroes, nothing ever happens. They'll promote something huge, and then you get there and you're like, oh, uh, that's the surprise. Huh. That's...uh...what the fuck?! It doesn't make it a great show when the writers can just throw in a curveball that will draw shit out for another 3 weeks, until there will be another promotion that leads to another let-down. It's a cycle of bullshit I'm against. As for the shitshow Grey's Anatomy, this week they tried promoting a cliffhanger: "Will Meredith die?" Yes, ABC, I'm that stupid that I think the STAR OF THE SHOW is going to die. I also need to be reminded to breathe, because if not I stop. I like fun things. Wheeeee. Uh, I got offtrack a little bit, but, uh, shit shows, you're on notice!
Off the list this week:
Jim Hendry. He managed to get Big Z to agree to a one-year deal for less than the middle-point in negotiations, and Z avoided arbitration. Although I'm pretty sure Z could have made more if he had gone to negotiations, but that's neither here nor there. Also, I feel good about our chances of tying up Zambrano long-term, so Hendry's off the radar for awhile.
Work. I still hate you, but when my I lost my blog, you got bumped. Expect to be back next week. Bitch.
Firewalls. Ditto. Minus the part about technology.
Kelvin Sampson. Ditto again fatty.
Cold. You better be on your way out. I wore sandals the other night, and that was fucking awesome. I like wearing sandals. So you best stay the fuck away. But, since you didn't piss me off as much as other things this week you're safe. For now...
Snow. You didn't keep me from anything this past weekend, and as far as I know, you'll never be back again. Ever. And I'm not naive in any way at all.
Well, since returning from New Orleans, I've been extremely tired and just about every day at work I've been struggling to stay awake. But I can't take a nap. So I'm wondering: should I develop a heart condition, can I sue my employer because they're not allowing me to take a nap? Or should I just go ahead and take a nap, and then if they wake me, tell them what's up. I really think there's only one way to find out.
That's as good as I can do for an intro this week. Let's see who made the list:

New this week:
TECHNOLOGY. I was just working on this fucking thing for like half an hour, and I was almost done with it. I minimized the window so I could look back at what I had on the list last week and zap. Entire thing gone. Not saved at all. So, I don't know who's to blame for this? Is it my work computer for being a dumb outdated piece of shit? Is it Blogger for being a piece of shit? Is it Internet Explorer's fault for being a dumb bitch and outdated browser? I tend to think it's a little bit of all three. So, whoever's to blame for this shit, you're on notice!
Money. This week I found out that when my car goes in for "inspection" that it's going to cost out the ass. That sounds as painful as it is. I knew it wasn't going to be pleasant, but we're talking at least twice what I was expecting to pay. Guh. And I don't know if that takes into account any parts/labor that may be required. So, money, you're on notice because I don't have enough of you. Ever.
Weather. On Saturday when we left Chicago it was cold and snowing. When we got to New Orleans it was 62, but it there was a strong, cold wind blowing. Well, on Sunday it was only like 52, and the cold strong wind stuck around. Then on Monday we get back to Chicago and it's fucking 46 degrees and feels warmer than New Orleans. All of this changing climates is bullshit. It's going to make someone sick. Seriously weather, make up your mind. And you better fucking choose pleasantly warm. Or else...
America. America, you are one crazy bitch. Did anyone ever see any previews for Norbit? How could you not, it was a fucking sponsor of the Super Bowl. Well, I remember saying that if enough Americans were dumb enough to pay to see the movie that it would be the number one movie in its opening weekend, I would need to destroy America. Well, unfortunately, it happened. Seriously, how can this be allowed to happen?! Well, did anyone see previews for Ghost Rider? The first time I saw those previews, I said the exact same thing. Well, not the first time, but one of the first 8 times. So you can imagine my surprise when I came back home this weekend and saw that nearly 45 million people(!) paid to see that piece of predictable shit. So now I have to destroy America. Seriously, how to so many jackasses have enough money to pay to see these movies? And you're only making it worse by going to see them. I heard they just greenlighted Norbit 2: Eddie Murphy Dresses Like a Fat Woman Again and Norbit 3: Eddie Murphy Dresses Like 2 Fat Women, A Fat Man, and A Normal-Sized Woman. I also heard they're making Ghost Rider 2: The Exact Same Movie As the First with Slightly Different Characters. People who go see these movies should automatically not be allowed to vote. So, America, you're on notice, and unfortunately, I will have to destroy you.
Being sick. Hey, weather, remember when I said you'd make people sick? You fucking did it. You bitch. I feel like my sinuses are getting prepared for a flood, and that's not a pleasant thing. Luckily I'll try to drink all this shit away this weekend. But, you know, being sick is interrupting my plans of, you know, BREATHING REGULARLY.
"Popular" TV. I'm talking about Heroes, Studio 60, Lost and Grey's Anatomy. I don't like any of these shows, and on the first three NOTHING EVER HAPPENS. Also, Studio 60 is not funny in any way. It sounded like an interesting premise, but obviously there's not enough interesting shit happening behind the scenes of whatever that unfunny live show is. As far as Lost and Heroes, nothing ever happens. They'll promote something huge, and then you get there and you're like, oh, uh, that's the surprise. Huh. That's...uh...what the fuck?! It doesn't make it a great show when the writers can just throw in a curveball that will draw shit out for another 3 weeks, until there will be another promotion that leads to another let-down. It's a cycle of bullshit I'm against. As for the shitshow Grey's Anatomy, this week they tried promoting a cliffhanger: "Will Meredith die?" Yes, ABC, I'm that stupid that I think the STAR OF THE SHOW is going to die. I also need to be reminded to breathe, because if not I stop. I like fun things. Wheeeee. Uh, I got offtrack a little bit, but, uh, shit shows, you're on notice!
Off the list this week:
Jim Hendry. He managed to get Big Z to agree to a one-year deal for less than the middle-point in negotiations, and Z avoided arbitration. Although I'm pretty sure Z could have made more if he had gone to negotiations, but that's neither here nor there. Also, I feel good about our chances of tying up Zambrano long-term, so Hendry's off the radar for awhile.
Work. I still hate you, but when my I lost my blog, you got bumped. Expect to be back next week. Bitch.
Firewalls. Ditto. Minus the part about technology.
Kelvin Sampson. Ditto again fatty.
Cold. You better be on your way out. I wore sandals the other night, and that was fucking awesome. I like wearing sandals. So you best stay the fuck away. But, since you didn't piss me off as much as other things this week you're safe. For now...
Snow. You didn't keep me from anything this past weekend, and as far as I know, you'll never be back again. Ever. And I'm not naive in any way at all.
Labels: I hate many things which make up this list and also other things not on this list, On Notice, You don't want to be on this list
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