Tuesday, April 24, 2007

I forget things

This weekend was not your typical weekend in Peoria, but, then again, my typical weekends in Peoria are spent indoors with the lights off, shades drawn and a gun by my side as I peer out my window between the shades. Oh, and there may or may not be alcohol there. But this was Internation Beerfest weekend, so there was really no way it could be typical anyways.

Friday started out with me leaving work at 6:15. Hey, that's exciting. I had to stop and pick up some extra Captain on the way home, and I believe I saw one guy walking the street who already was outrageously intoxicated. Good times. I was actually kind of jealous of him though, not for being in the street, but for being intoxicated. But I digress. I got home, had a small dinner and showered so I could get my drink on. Streets and Bootz got to Peoria around 8:45, and they seemed to have made pretty good time. I was not yet completely drunk by the time they got there, but I was well, well on my way. So I continued drinking, they began drinking, and we all started getting drunk. The night is actually really hazy after that. I don't remember leaving my apartment too well, but I do remember getting to 4play. I believe we got there and it was pretty empty. I have no idea what time this was by the way. So we sat down, and we kept drinking obviously. Then there was a whole lot of empty space in my memory. I think the three of us were dancing, and then I think the two chicks went to the bathroom, leaving me by myself. That was great. I was grabbed by some chick and asked if I wanted to dance. Why the hell not? So when Bootz and Streets walked out of the bathroom, I was dancing with some chick no one knew. Somehow I wandered away from her or something though, and I was back in the clear. Um, there was more dancing I guess, and then we left around 2:30 or so. AND WE DIDN'T GO TO BIG AL'S. Hugely disappointing. Anyways, we crossed the street over to Hoops for some kickass pizza. Streets ordered and paid, and I remember ordering a beer. Then we found a table and sat, waiting for our pizza. For some reason, Streets decided to take a string of 28 pictures of Bootz and myself, while we did nothing spectacular. I went to check on the pizza, and like two minutes later it came. So we marched back to my place (not actual marching, at least that I can remember), and at one point Bootz carried the pizza on her head. I don't know why either. We got back, and everyone had pizza I think, and there were phone calls made, I think. Bootz was adamant about me getting out my futon mattress for her to sleep on, and I don't think anyone knows why that happened either.

Woke up the next day before 10 I think. I'm pretty sure. We were all very hungover, and there was much Tylenol to be had. After the chicks took a short nap, we all went to eat at Buffalo Wild Wings. It wsa not as enjoyable as possible, probably mostly due to the intense much smell we were getting. No one was feeling too hot afterwards, and this was a problem in part due to the fact that we were going to try many various kinds of beer with no break in between, and some of them were going to be bad. We took a cab to the IBF, but we had to wait like 10 minutes for it, so we waited outside. Just sitting on the bench behind us was none other than Sergio McClain, who I had met previously at 4play. While drunk. I fought the urge to go talk to him, mainly because I had nothing to talk about besides looking like an idiot. Our cab driver there was particularly special. She took us a long, roundabout way, and she made various types of conversation. I will not go into the topics of conversation; suffice to say they were mainly about this crazy lady's problems. At the beerfest, there were roughly 12 beers tried by each person, althought there were some repeats, even after the rules were explained. We probably left around 6:30 or 7 back to my place, when we got a nice cab for the ride back home. Then we headed to get some dinner, and we saw like 10 people who we'd seen earlier at the Beerfest. We walked to Martini's, had a drink there, and we were going to have another but the waitress never came back, so we walked back home, I drank, then we headed out for a night of boredom at 4play. There was seriously no one there until like 12:30, and we left at like 1:30. There were no other shenanigans in the night, except that we watched like 20 minutes of Cursed, a terrible, terrible movie.

That was pretty much the weekend. Streets and Bootz had to leave early, so there were no further adventures. It started off awesome, minus Big Al's though, and it ended pretty boring. I guess that's the risk you run when you drink various beers all day though, and then no one goes out at night. Still, it was way better than any other weekend in Peoria though.



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