I wish I had 3 weeks off
I've been out of school for a year and a half now, and I've gone through multiple phases. First, there was the "I'm so glad I have a job" phase, and then there was the "I'm so glad I'm getting paid and am not in school" phase. Then I switched jobs right around this time last year, and shortly after starting this job I have now, there was the "I should have taken some time off in between jobs" phase. The longest vacation I've had since I graduated was like 4 days off in a row. Well, I've been in the "I need a vacation" phase for a while (I'm also in the "looking for a new job" phase) and it has occurred to me how much I would enjoy to still be in school right now. And for the sole reason of having 3 weeks off to not do anything. So this is just sort of a list of things that I would do, if I had that time off.
Sleep. I would sleep all the time. Sleep in late, stay up late, take naps. When I woke up today I was reminded that I absolutely hate getting up early. So I would make it my goal to spend as little time conscious as possible over the break period. Part of this is probably related to the next point I am going to make, so I'll just get to it now:
Drink. I would need lots of sleep to sleep off the hangovers I would acquire from drinking so much. Of course, I can't drink all the time, since part of the time I'm home with family and everything. But, suffice to say, I would be drinking much more than I will be in with work for the next three(ish) weeks.
Write a screenplay/book. I'm loaded with ideas. If I wrote a screenplay, it would probably be a scary movie. Or a movie that is a really sharp, biting, hilarious commentary on society, or something. If I wrote a book it would probably be something about what it's like to be so incredibly lazy. Or the Great American Novel. I guess I haven't really decided yet.
Catch up with my old friend, Xbox 360. I have not spent anywhere near enough time with my old friend in recent weeks. I'm not really sure why; I think it's possibly because I can't keep my attention focused on anything for more than about 10 minutes unless it's sports related. I would surely make up for lost time though.
Perform volunteer work. Ha, yeah right.
Watch lots of TV. My DVR has tons of hilarious shows on it, and some of them haven't been watched in weeks, even months. This is an absolute travesty, because no episode of "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia" should go without being viewed for more than 3 weeks. It's really a shame that I can't just loop them and watch them all the time.
Win Nobel Peace Prize. Really all this would take would be me writing some sort of thesis or something of the like about how I can cure poverty, world hunger and provide world peace by clapping my hands twice every 15 minutes and then throwing glitter in the air followed by the words to "One Night in Bangkok". It basically writes itself.
So you can see, I'd have a pretty full schedule. Sleep till 12, eat a lot, watch TV, play Xbox 360, drink. If only I were still in school.
Sleep. I would sleep all the time. Sleep in late, stay up late, take naps. When I woke up today I was reminded that I absolutely hate getting up early. So I would make it my goal to spend as little time conscious as possible over the break period. Part of this is probably related to the next point I am going to make, so I'll just get to it now:
Drink. I would need lots of sleep to sleep off the hangovers I would acquire from drinking so much. Of course, I can't drink all the time, since part of the time I'm home with family and everything. But, suffice to say, I would be drinking much more than I will be in with work for the next three(ish) weeks.
Write a screenplay/book. I'm loaded with ideas. If I wrote a screenplay, it would probably be a scary movie. Or a movie that is a really sharp, biting, hilarious commentary on society, or something. If I wrote a book it would probably be something about what it's like to be so incredibly lazy. Or the Great American Novel. I guess I haven't really decided yet.

Perform volunteer work. Ha, yeah right.
Watch lots of TV. My DVR has tons of hilarious shows on it, and some of them haven't been watched in weeks, even months. This is an absolute travesty, because no episode of "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia" should go without being viewed for more than 3 weeks. It's really a shame that I can't just loop them and watch them all the time.
Win Nobel Peace Prize. Really all this would take would be me writing some sort of thesis or something of the like about how I can cure poverty, world hunger and provide world peace by clapping my hands twice every 15 minutes and then throwing glitter in the air followed by the words to "One Night in Bangkok". It basically writes itself.
So you can see, I'd have a pretty full schedule. Sleep till 12, eat a lot, watch TV, play Xbox 360, drink. If only I were still in school.
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