Friday, September 08, 2006

Final weekend memories

Ok, I think I finally have a grasp on some of the other things that happened this past weekend now that I've seen some pictures. Of course, a number of the pictures of me I either don't remember and I have no idea what I'm doing, or I don't remember them being taken and I'm glad I don't remember them being taken because it's pretty embarrassing. But anyways, to the memories!

Sarah reminded me, and how could I not mention this, but the two of us had a dance party on the entire trip home from whereever it was we ate breakfast in New Buffalo, Michigan, to her house in Homewood. It was a solid 55 minutes of dancing in my car. There was also a lot of singing. Just another instance of having our own little dance party this weekend.

Second, we had a puker. I won't say who it was, except to say that it wasn't me. Because we all know who it was. And by we all, I'm not even sure if everyone at the cabin knew someone puked. Anyways, I have absolutely no recollection of this at all, but I remember seeing this person the next day as I was doing my picture taking of everyone sleeping, and there was a garbage can next to the bed. I made sure to get a picture of the two together. I can't believe I don't remember anything like that. I just remember seeing the puker in bed Friday night and someone else telling me that the puker had puked and needed to go to bed. And I think I laughed. Why am I being so cryptic?

Everyone had set their cameras on the counter in the kitchen, which was one of the places where people would gather. Well, this was a terrible idea for other people. I would basically pick up a camera (I think there were four, but I could only figure out two) and take pictures of myself, or take pictures of really random stuff. I remember taking a picture of a conversation we were having. I would take a picture of myself talking, then take a picture of someone else talking, then take a picture of myself listening. I'm really good at entertaining myself when I'm drunk.

Whenever people would take pictures of me, I would either look away, or I would look right at the camera and do somethign stupid like give a thumbs up or point directly at the camera. I'm really an idiot.

Finally, I think we did a lot of sitting around and talking about random subjects. However, in just about every situation I remember sitting and talking, I don't remember any of the topics. Best Labor Day weekend ever.

Update: 2 more memories.

1. At some point this weekend I was imitating Sean Paul. But, if you know me, you know I spit hot fire and that's not really a stretch.

2. While walking home from the beach Sunday carrying my guitar, this car of 5 dudes in a 60's convertible pulls up and say "Now this is what we're missing. Play us a song. Do you know any Elvis?" I had just sobered up from the afternoon at the beach, and I was so caught off guard, I was absolutely terrified. I just stood there in silence and trembled for 2 minutes until they finally drove away. I showed them.


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