I hate ESPN.com
I didn't get cable until I was a sophomore in high school. I remember it was either February or March, because it was kind of a birthday present. I guess. I lobbied for years and finally it paid off. And it didn't go unappreciated. But one of the best things about getting cable was all the access to sports that ESPN gave me.
I'm older now. And you know what else is older? ESPN. Some things get better/smarter with age (i.e. me), some things start blowing. "But you love sports. How can you hate ESPN?" is probably what you're saying.
Well, the main reason is that I hate espn.com. I'm not even linking to it because I hate it so much. It used to be a great place to go to sports news quickly and easily. Hell, I even subscribed to the magazine because I loved ESPN so much. Then, a couple years ago (I think it was during a baseball offseason or near the trade deadline) I started noticing this stupid little thing show up next to some of the articles. It said you had to be an ESPN insider to read the article. I was like, oh, ok, I subscribe to the magazine, so I probably get it, right? Wrong. I needed to pay an addition $30 or something to read the stupid article.
Ok, no big deal, I guess I'll have to get my rumors and stuff elsewhere. But as time has progressed, more and more shit requires you to be an Insider. They don't even bother showing the little symbol for Insider next to a lot of the articles anymore. You click on it, you see part of the first paragraph of an article, and then it says either login or subscribe.
Now there's basically nothing that I can read on the site anymore, except for scores or news. Absolutely no insight. Which, I guess is kind of a blessing because most of the 'insight' on the site is pretty shitty.
So now I don't even bother trying to read articles on espn.com anymore. You know why? It's the fucking internet! I can get all the information elsewhere, just as fast, and I don't have to pay shit for it. Shit, I can find 8 other sites that have the exact same information for free. And, on half of those sites they present it in a hilarious way.
So espn.com, I hate you. You're on notice.
I'm older now. And you know what else is older? ESPN. Some things get better/smarter with age (i.e. me), some things start blowing. "But you love sports. How can you hate ESPN?" is probably what you're saying.
Well, the main reason is that I hate espn.com. I'm not even linking to it because I hate it so much. It used to be a great place to go to sports news quickly and easily. Hell, I even subscribed to the magazine because I loved ESPN so much. Then, a couple years ago (I think it was during a baseball offseason or near the trade deadline) I started noticing this stupid little thing show up next to some of the articles. It said you had to be an ESPN insider to read the article. I was like, oh, ok, I subscribe to the magazine, so I probably get it, right? Wrong. I needed to pay an addition $30 or something to read the stupid article.
Ok, no big deal, I guess I'll have to get my rumors and stuff elsewhere. But as time has progressed, more and more shit requires you to be an Insider. They don't even bother showing the little symbol for Insider next to a lot of the articles anymore. You click on it, you see part of the first paragraph of an article, and then it says either login or subscribe.
Now there's basically nothing that I can read on the site anymore, except for scores or news. Absolutely no insight. Which, I guess is kind of a blessing because most of the 'insight' on the site is pretty shitty.
So now I don't even bother trying to read articles on espn.com anymore. You know why? It's the fucking internet! I can get all the information elsewhere, just as fast, and I don't have to pay shit for it. Shit, I can find 8 other sites that have the exact same information for free. And, on half of those sites they present it in a hilarious way.
So espn.com, I hate you. You're on notice.

if you're a magazine subscriber you can get the insider content free, you just have to sign up. the reason they want your credit card is because if your magazine subscription lapses they charge you to be an insider....still a pretty gay way of doing business.
how dare you contradict my argument!
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